Top News Stories About Criminal Offenses, DUI, Auto Accidents
Having to deal with legal problems can feel pretty lonely sometimes, but these news stories from around Illinois and the rest of the country will hopefully help you realize that there are many other people out there just like you.
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New Expungement Process in Madison County, Illinoisthe new expungement law took effect January 2, 2016
Multiple DUI Suspension Rescissions in St. Clair and Madison Countiesmy clients were charged with DUI in both Madison and St. Clair Counties. We obtained rescissions of their SSSs.
Jury Trial - Mistrial Felony Theft Over $10,000 Marion Countymarion county theft over $10,000 client was tried and we obtained a hung jury
Tow Redemption Fee Class Action Filed Against Belleville, ILtow redemption fee class action lawsuit filed against Belleville, Illinois for imposing a tow release fee
Recent Belleville News Democrat Article Regarding Tow Feestow fees are wrongfully assessed against persons charged with DUI and other offenses.
Major Win on Appeal - Tow Release Feeswe filed class action lawsuits against various police departments who charge a $500.00 tow release fee for persons arrested for various traffic offenses
Madison County Felony Obstruction Charge DismissedMadison County felony prosecutor dismissed an Obstruction charge. We are routinely called the best obstruction of justice attorneys in Edwardsville, IL.
Civil Rights Actions Are There When You Have Been Abused by the Police!civil rights actions are available for those who have been beaten by the police or falsely arrested
Jury Acquittal Heroin Injectioninjection of heroin caused an aggravated battery charge to be filed against my client in Madison County. We tried the case and won.
Bond County Car Crash Case Settledmy client was struck by a vehicle that crossed over in his lane of travel in Bond County. We settled the case.
Civil Rights Strip Search Settlementmy client was strip searched by cumberland county sheriffs after a dui arrest. we settled his case for a substantial amount of money
Macoupin County DUI Dismisseddui charge macoupin county dismissed we are the best dui defense attorneys
Aggravated Battery Charge Dismissedclinton county illinois aggravated battery charge was dismissed for the client
Jersey County Threatening a Public Officialmy client was charged with Threatening a Public Official
Customs and Border Patrol Refusal to Release Aircraftmy client had her aircraft seized and forfeiture attempted on it
Cannabis Trafficking Win in Montgomery County Illinoiscannabis trafficking dismissal airplane detention Montgomery County Illinois
Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault Reduced to Misdemeanormy client was charged with predatory criminal sexual assault in Madison County. We were able to reduce his charge to a simple sexual assault charge
Cannabis Possession With Intent to Deliver Victorymy client was charged after flying to the Montgomery County airport with cannabis trafficking. We won the case on a motion to suppress.
Many of Our DUI Clients are Thankful They Hired Usmany of my DUI clients end up getting their cases dismissed.
Polinske & Associates Wins Heroin Trial in Madison Countymy client was charged with aggravated battery based upon delivery of heroin to a co-user. She was acquitted at trial.