New for 2016 is the process and petition form used to pursue an expungement for a previous charge and arrest. The old forms required a separate petition for each arrest and case. Now, one form can be used for multiple expungement cases. This not only saves much time preparing the petitions, it also saves quite a bit of money for the person seeking the expungement. For example, if a person wanted to expunge three prior arrests he would previously have had to pay the full filing fees in the amount of $126.00 per case or a total of $378.00. Under the new law that same person seeking the same relief would save $80.00 or $298.00. The more cases a person seeks expungement on the more money that person will save under the new petition.
If you need to seek expungement in Madison County, Illinois call an experienced expungement attorney. For your convenience a hyperlink to the petition is listed.