You are riding in a car with your friends. A police officer conducts a traffic stop. The officer asks everyone to exit the vehicle and present identification. You have a warrant. The officer searches you and discovers Xanax, Ecstacy, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Heroin, or any other number of illicit drugs. When you get out of jail you decide you need to best attorney to represent you. Your future is at stake. A permanent felony conviction can ruin job opportunities, military service desires, and will prevent you from govenment job consideration. If you are in college this type of conviction will destroy your professional ideals.
I am currently representing a person charged with one of the largest methamphetamine seizures in the State of Illinois. We have filed motions on his behalf for sanctions against the State due to destruction of some evidence. We have filed a pending Motion to Suppress Evidence that will be argued when we receive the ruling on his Sanctions motion. I anticipate suppression of all the drug evidence against him due to bad search and seizure by the Illinois State Police trooper.
Hire Competent and Experienced Defense Counsel
But don't dismay. A qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney can fix the situation for you. It takes dedication and hard work on your attorney's behalf. Years of experience are of the utmost importance. At Polinske & Associates, P.C., we have 65 years of Unlawful Possession charge defense. We know all the different types of dispositions that can prevent damaging felony drug convictions. Illinois law affords many types of dispositions wherein the charges are dismissed. Even after a guilty plea! We attempt to obtain straight dismissals for all our clients. Only the fact patterns that lead us to the conclusion that the chances of winning are not in our client's favor result in us seeking plea negotiations for our clients.
Don't hire an attorney merely because they have practiced for a long time. It takes dedicated counsel that isn't afraid to force the State to divulge all discovery you are entitled to, file motions, and effectively cross-examine the police on the stand during motion hearings and trials. At Polinske & Associates, P.C., we are veterans in all aspects of criminal charge defense. We pride ourselves on our proven track record and success at jury trial. We are well known in the field and receive many referrals from local attorneys for their clients confronted with this type of criminal charge. We have been hired to represent attorneys and medical doctors charged with these offense. If the local bar trusts us with their own cases you can rest assured we will work our hardest to resolve your case.
Chances Are Your Case Contains Flaws That May Result in a Dismissal
In many of these cases there are a host of constitutional attacks that result in a suppression of the evidence. Bad search issues (nonconsensual, warrantless, pretextual, etc.) and seizures constitute the majority of attacks on the State's case. We have argued and won many motions to suppress evidence. We are familiar with all the search warrant exceptions that the court's have carved out in the State's favor. We understand what it takes to win your case. We have litigated many different fact patterns including:
Aircraft Search, Mobile Home Search, Automobile Search, Boat Searches, Terry Stop Searches, Business Searches, Home Searches, and even In-Custody Jailhouse Searches. Many times we win the motions to suppress. When that occurs the State has no evidence remaining and must dismiss their cases.
At Polinske & Associates, P.C. we use our vast trial experience to correctly assess the issues, file the appropriate motions, try the case, and eventually win your case. Check out our Recent Case Successes page on this site for examples of cases we have won. The list is not comprehensive but gives a flavor of the types of cases.
Don't delay - Call for your free consultation today!