Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client was charged with a DUI and blew .09. We were able to negotiate a rescission of his suspension
My client was a police officer with the City of East St. Louis. She had been terminated. We sued, she got her job back but the City refused to place her in the workforce. We sued and obtained an award of $102,000 as well as reinstatement.
Two clients had their DUI charges dismissed due to lack of probable cause to arrest for DUI
Madison County Agg. UUW charge dismissed
My client was charged with a DUI that was ultimately dismissed. The arresting agency was East Alton, Illinois
Mr. Vaughn was charged with a variety of felonies including Armed Violence. His charges were all dismissed.
My client was charged with home invasion with a firearm enhancement. We resolved his case for probation.
Mr. Castleberry was charged with killing his girlfriend's daughter who was 23 months old. We presented a case explaining to the jury the injury that killed her was inflicted prior to the time Mr. Castleberry had contact with her. They found her not guilty.
A client was charged with Agg. UUW an offense that requires prison time if convicted. We negotiated a dismissal of that charge in exchange for a plea to First Offender Probation to a companion drug offense.
Two clients were fortunate to have the state agree to dismiss their charges fully. One was charged with Harassment with Vehicle (felony) and the other Agg. Domestic Battery by Strangulation.
Mr. Ritchie was charged after a police officer attempted to stop his vehicle. He fled at a high rate of speed on a motorcycle. He was charge with a felony. We negotiated a reduction of the charge. My client had just been released from prison and had served time for many drug charges in the past.
My client was a repeat sex offender who was charged with a variety of sex assaults stemming from an interaction in a hotel with a hotel employee. We negotiated a reduction to a non-reporting misdemeanor offense.
Two clients were charged with money laundering after $178,000 was discovered in a secret compartment in their truck. They were stopped by drug interdiction agents. We obtained a full dismissal of the charges against them.
My client was a police officer who was falsely accused and charged of two felony offenses. We won the felony charges and filed suit against the two accusers and their employer. They paid us $250,000
My client's DUI suspension was rescinded per negotiations
Client's cannabis trafficking charge was fully dismissed through negotiations. Madison County, Illinois.
Madison County charges for money laundering against two defendants were fully dismissed.
My client was charged with felony possession with intent to delivery. We filed a motion to suppress and the state reacted by offering to reduce the charge to a simple possession.
My client's statutory summary suspension paperwork was amended without her being served a copy. We negotiated a rescission of the suspension.
My client was arrested for DUI and had their charge reduced to an amended Reckless Conduct charge