Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client was arrested after a large quanity of cannabis was located inside his vehicle. He was charged with cannabis trafficking (12-60 years in prison). We obtained First Offender Probation for him which will result in no conviction.
My client was charged with murder after shooting at a person seven times. We tried his case and he was found not guilty in Madison County 9-26-2022
My client was arrested on private property. Even though he admitted to driven to the location he was stopped we negotiated a rescission of his suspension
Madison County DUI Arrestee by Bethalto Obtained a Rescision of His Suspension
My client was initially represented by another attorney who could only obtain a 6 year prison offer. We took over the case and I obtained probation for him.
Madison County Trafficking Cases Reduced to Possession and Clients both Sentenced to Probation
Three Clients' DUI Suspensions were rescinded (thrown out) this week
My client was charged by Sauget Police Department with possession of a weapon. A felony charge. We filed a motion to suppress evidence and won.
My client was charged with Battery after being involved at an altercation at a tavern. We tried the case. She was found Not Guilty.
During the week of July 22, 2022 I was able to negotiate two DUI charges for clients to amended Non-DUI Charges
Madison County - 7/11/22 A client had two unlawful possession of a controlled substance charges dismissed.
My client was charged with a variety of charges including Class 2 felony Agg. Domestic Battery. We were able to dismiss the felonies in exchange for a plea to an amended misdemeanor charge.
My client was charged with two separate felony charges. We were able to negotiate both charges dismissal in exchange for a plea to a misdemeanor. July 14, 2022
My clients were both charged with DUI. We negotiated a reduction to Reckless Driving for both clients.
My client was stopped by the Illinois State Police for a traffic violation. His car was searched and a felony amount of cannabis was discovered. He also had $49,500 in cash. The State moved to forfeit the cash. We filed a motion to dismiss and won.
My clients have obtained very good results in the past few months. Many DUI cases have been dismissed or reduced to other misdemeanor charges.
My client was charged with felon in possession of a weapon. It was a mandatory time sentence if convicted. We obtained a dismissal of the charge.
A DUI Client of Mine got her suspension Rescinded due to a stop on private property
Two of my DUI clients' charges were reduced to a lesser charge of Reckless Conduct. Both were Madison County cases.
My client was stopped by the Illinois State police and they removed nearly $50,000 US currency from his vehicle. They undertook forfeiture proceedings. The State provided an inaccurate notice to my client. We filed a motion to dismiss and it was granted.