Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client's DUI suspension was rescinded after the police waiting an extended period of time before filing the paperwork.
Client charged with class 3 Meth possession obtained a full dismissal.
On May 17, 2021 the State moved to dismiss the remaining Agg. Criminal Sex Abuse charge against my client, Jason McCaslin in Fayette County.
Three separate clients on unconnected cases all won their forfeiture cases. The State had to give back $106,000, vehicles, smaller amounts of cash, and a vehicle.
My client was charged with a sex offense after two girls came forward and claimed he assaulted them. Both of the girls are drug abusers and from broken homes. We tried the case and won.
Class 4 felony unlawful possession of heroin dismissed - Madison County
Client's Felony DUI Reduced to a Misdemeanor Offense - Madison County
My client was charged with his 2nd DUI. We negotiated an amended charge so he wouldn't lose his license
Fayette County charged my client with possession of a controlled substance. We obtained a dismissal
My client was charged with DUI but the police didn't file the Suspension paperwork in time.
My client was charged with stalking and other offenses. We obtained a dismissal of the felonies and he plead to a misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct.
Monroe County Case for Felony Stalking Reduced to Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct
My client, despite blowing in excess of .08 BAC, got her suspension thrown out.
My client was charged with DUI after failing all Field Sobriety Tests. We obtained a rescission of his suspension.
My client was charged in Macoupin County with Agg. Domestic Violence. We obtained a full dismissal of all charges
With the new States Attorney and new criminal chief judge there is talk the DVAC court will end soon
My clients were traveling home from work when a vehicle crossed over the center line and crashed into their vehicle. Both were seriously hurt. The driver attempted to flee the scene but his vehicle was disabled due to the wreck. One of my clients has facial paralysis. The other serious head injuries. We filed the lawsuit this week.
My client was arrested by Granite City PD for traveling the wrong way on a one-way street. He displayed multiple signs of intoxication and had open beer in his car. We were able to negotiate a rescission of the suspension due to faulty paperwork.
Judge McGlynn summarily dismissed my class action on behalf of all tow fee payers. He was reversed. The case will now be set back to St. Clair County Court for jury trial!
My client was charged with DUI. We filed a motion to suppress and negotiated a reduction of the DUI to Reckless Driving. He kept the amended charge off of his record.