Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client, a CDL driver, blew a .177. We were able to negotiate an amendment of the DUI charge and a rescission of the suspension
Two clients received rescission orders for their DUI suspension the week of March 1, 2024
On Monday's docket (3/4/24) we were able to work out a variety of felony offenses. All of the clients either received an up front reduction to a misdemeanor offense or will have their charge reduced after a period of probation
My client had multiple class X and 2 felonies for possession and distribution of child pornography in two counties. We were able to resolve his cases for 9 years at 50% and obtained dismissal of five counts.
Madison county drug possession defendant negotiated her case to a dismissal.
My client was charged with a class 3 felony for methamphetamine possession. We were able to negotiate TASC probation for all five of her pending felony cases despite the State having filed a petition to Revoke her probation and send her to prison.
Two clients of mine were issued DUIs. We were able to negotiate a rescission of the suspension. The next step is to resolve the charges with an amended charge.
My client had failed to appear in court on multiple cases. Warrants were issued for her. We entered as her counsel and quashed all the warrants.
My client is charged with various sales tax felony offenses. He was charged by the Attorney General in Madison County. We obtained a release order for him.
My client was charged with her second retail theft which was enhanced to a felony. We were originally offered a felony conviction. However, we were able to resolve her case for a misdemeanor.
On 1/17/24 we argued for the release of my client held on Class X meth production charges. The State's petition to detain was denied. My client is now released pending trial or disposition.
My client was charged with a DUI. He ultimately got the DUI dismissed and the suspension thrown out.
Two clients settled their personal injury claims against a trucking company and driver recently. They were pleased with the outcome and have already received their settlement checks.
The start of the year is always slow. However, we did take the opportunity to obtain dismissals of multiple traffic citations clients had pending.
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We were able to reduce felonies and obtain multiple DUI reductions.
The week of November 6th, 2023 I was able to negotiate two DUI cases to reduced Reckless Driving Charges. My clients received no convictions.
My client was charged with transporting 25 pounds of psyilocybin and 15 pounds of cannabis. He was from CA and had no prior criminal history. He was facing up to 60 years in prison. We got him first offender probation that will result in no conviction.
My client was unfortunately charged with two separate pending DUI cases from two incidents. He also had a felony probation term that he was completing. We were able to dismiss one DUI per a plea for Court Supervision. He was able to save his driver's license.
My client was stopped in Montgomery County and charged with cannabis trafficking. The State did not produce the video. We filed a motion for sanctions against the State for the discovery violation and won. The case was dismissed.