Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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I haven't updated this section since July 2023. Since that time I have been able to resolve mandatory prison time trafficking offenses for probation terms.
Two new trafficking clients from Madison County had their bonds set at $750,000 and $250,000 respectively. We were able to reduce their bond at a motion hearing. They both posted and are out of custody
I've had two clients charged with completely unrelated cocaine trafficking charges in Bond County in the last few weeks. The range of punishment is 30-120 years. I'm currently attempting to reduce their bonds so that they can be released from jail pending resolution.
My client is charge with Child Pornography. We filed a motion for the county to pay his expert witness fees to refute the states' investigators relevant to dissemination of the CP. The Court granted our motion
My client was stopped and charged with driving while revoked. His citation was dismissed
Three separate DUI clients benefited by having their suspensions rescinded
My client was arrested by the Troy Police for DUI. We were able to get the charge dismissed.
My client was an Illinois State Trooper who was charged with domestic battery. We were able to secure a dismissal of the charge.
My client was charged with 3 felony offenses including Armed Violence. We were able to get that charge dismissed
My client was stopped by police and 185 pounds of cannabis was discovered in her vehicle. We were able to reduce the charge and obtain probation for her.
My client was charge with cannabis trafficking after it was discovered he possessed 65 pounds of cannabis in his vehicle. We negotiated probation on a reduced charge.
My client's brand new BMW I8 was seized from her driveway in Missouri. We won the forfeiture case against the vehicle.
My client's vehicle was seized after he was arrested with felony amounts of cannabis and an uncased firearm in his vehicle. We obtained his vehicle back and avoided forfeiture.
Multiple Cannabis Trafficking Cases Reduced to Lesser Offenses
My client was charged with Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer. We got her charge dismissed
My client was released from prison on a child pornography charge. He was charged with a new case in Madison County and bond was set at $500,000. We conducted a bond reduction motion and the judge agreed to reduce the bond to $20,000 cash. He was able to post and is out of jail.
Over the past month I have obtained SSS rescissions for a number of clients in Madison, St. Clair and Macoupin Counties.
My client was struck from behind by another driver. We negotiated full settlement for policy limits from the other motorists' insurance.
This week I was able to obtain a felony reduction to misdemeanor Battery and court supervision (from felony Mob Action), Fleeing the Scene dismissal, and a DUI reduced to Reckless Driving with court supervision.
Two separate clients were charged with DUI. Both had one prior DUI plea. We negotiated an amendment of the DUI to Reckless Driving and court supervision. No conviction will enter against either client.