Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client was charged with transporting 25 pounds of psyilocybin and 15 pounds of cannabis. He was from CA and had no prior criminal history. He was facing up to 60 years in prison. We got him first offender probation that will result in no conviction.
Madison County Trafficking Cases Reduced to Possession and Clients both Sentenced to Probation
Client's cannabis trafficking charge was fully dismissed through negotiations. Madison County, Illinois.
My client was charged after a drug interdiction officer from the Illinois State Police conducted a stop on his vehicle and a subsequent search resulted in possession with intent to deliver charges against him. We negotiated a dismissal of the felony.
My client was charged with cannabis possession with intent to deliver. We obtained a dismissal of the felony and an agreed to misdemeanor plea. My client did have prior felony convictions for cannabis.
Montgomery County Illinois Cannabis Possession/Del Dismissed