Recent Successes in the Court Room
We don't just "talk the talk" at Polinske & Associates; we "walk the walk" as well, and the evidence is in some of our most recent outstanding case results.
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My client is charged with a variety of drug offenses including manufacture of methamphetamine. His car was seized during his arrest and held pending forfeiture. We negotiated a release of his vehicle.
My client was charged for operating a vehicle while his license was revoked for DUI. We were able to negotiate a dismissal of that charge.
My client was charged with possession of cannabis with intent to deliver. We negotiated a reduced misdemeanor charge and she was given court supervision as a disposition. She will have no conviction.
My client's BMW was seized by Madison Police and they began a forfeiture proceeding on it. We successfully negotiated a release of the very expensive vehicle pending the final hearing.
My client was charged with felony Aggravated Battery. We reduced the charge to a simple battery with no probation.
My client received a DUI. He was over 65 so the field tests should not have been administered. We negotiated a reduced charge.
My client was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. We got the charge fully dismissed
My client was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. We got the charge fully dismissed
We successfully negotiated three domestic battery charges to dismissals
My client was arrested by Carlinville PD. He refused the field tests and a breath request. We negotiated a rescission of his statutory summary suspension. We also negotiated a future reduction to a Reckless Driving with Supervision.
My client was charged with his second felony for violation of an order of protection. He ended up receiving a misdemeanor.
My client was charged with his 3rd felony agg. fleeing. The state wanted prison time. We convinced them to grant him probation.
My client was arrested for DUI. We negotiated a reduction of the DUI charge to a Reckless Driving and he Received Court Supervision.
My client had committed an aggravated fleeing. He owned the car with his fiancee. We presented a request for hardship release to the court on the pending forfeiture. The request was granted.
My client had been charged with a DUI. We got the DUI dismissed. The state objected to his petition to expunge. The court denied the state's objection and my client's petition to expunge was granted.
My client was charged with his second DUI. He had plead on the first DUI 8 years earlier. He had a CDL. We were able to negotiate the DUI down to a Reckless Conduct and he was given court supervision. His CDL has stayed intact.
My client was alleged to have battered his ex-girlfriend. It was charged as a felony. he was held on pretrial detention. We were able to secure his release.
My client was charged with battering two family members. We were able to negotiate a dismissal.
My client was charged with battering his brother. We got the domestic battery dismissed.
My client was stopped after reports of her driving erratically. We negotiated her case to an amended charge.