Brian Polinske is the right choice, if you're looking to win! Brian is a skilled lawyer who mythodically prepares the case. He knows how the system works. His professionalism and confidence are quickly recognized and respected in the court room. I am a mother who can breathe again....I will forever be grateful to Brian for helping my son. My son made a bad decision and Brian worked it out so that my son got a second chance at life! My son was facing 2 Felony X Charges and 1 Class lll Felony Charge. (Do the math... It was a horrible situation) With my son living in CA and me living in NY we had absolutely no idea how to go about finding a lawyer in IL. We were blessed to have gotten Brian. There were many prayers and lots of emotions throughout this 14 month process but now it is finished!!!! Brian worked out a plea bargain of 2 years probation and fine for my son. I am still amazed!!! I will never forget to be thankful each morning. I continue to pray everyday and now I added Brian to my list :)DF