Mr. Bronaugh was charged wtih Unlawful Participation in Methamphetamine Manufacturing. The charge is known as a "super class x" felony. Normal class x felony range of punishment is from 6-30 years. There is no possibility of probation if convicted of a class felony. My client was facing 40 years in prison at 85% if he was convicted. The offer from the State to plead guilty was 10 years in prison. My client didn't feel that he was involved in the actual manufacture of methamphetamine as he had merely given some pseudoephedrine to a dealer in exchange for 1/2 gram of methamphetamine. He also had a much lesser class 2 felony charge for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine Manufacturing Materials.
We tried the case. Throughout the three day trial the State actually gave a co-defendant a break and allowed him to plead guilty and receive four years of probation for his testimony against Mr. Bronaugh. I destroyed the co-defendant during cross examination. So in the end the State probably shouldn't have given the man a deal. His testimony did not help their case.
The jury came back quickly with a not guilty on the mandatory prison time super x felony. That was my main concern for my client. They did find him guilty on the probationable class 2 felony.
My client was very satisfied to have won the super x charge he was facing.