When you are seriously injured in an auto accident, your one and only immediate concern should be healing and getting healthy again. However, as you're able to leave the hospital and begin your recovery at home, the reality of the situation may begin to sink in for you.
You're probably thinking something along the lines of, "Who is going to pay for all of this? I definitely don't have the money to pay all of these medical bills."
You were not responsible for the accident and because of that, you should not have to pay anything out of your own pocket. This is where an experienced personal injury attorney can step in and make sure you are properly compensated.
In the beginning, many people only see the amount of money they owe different doctors and want to recover those funds. However, with car accident damages, you need to look at the big picture: past, present and future. This is not just about what happened to you and what is happening to you now; we need to think about how your injuries are going to affect your life in the long run. You could be entitled to damages that may include compensation for:
- Current medical bills and future medical expenses
- Lost wages and future lost wages
- Disfigurement and scarring
- Loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life
- Mental anguish
- Pain and suffering
The insurance company may be trying to pressure you into accepting a settlement, but you should not accept anything until you speak with a car accident attorney at Polinske & Associates. You may think the insurance company's initial offer seems fair, but your attorney will help you look at all the details and figure out how much more you could ultimately be owed.
Ready to talk? Give us a call or fill out our online contact form.