Imagine it - being falsely accused of a serious felony offense and convicted of it! Then serving a lengthy prison term before the courts learn you had been wrongfully imprisoned. You regain your freedom and begin down the path of restoring your life. But your background checks and lack of employment for a significant period of your life prevents you from ever again obtaining gainful employment. This recently happened in New York. Five men were wrongfully convicted and served a lengthy prison term. They filed a civil rights lawsuit against the officers who fabricated evidence and their employer - the City of New York. Ultimately the case settled for a reported $40,000,000. The case was called the Central Park Five.
Civil Rights litigation is typically the only redress against person wrongfully convicted. It can be filed originally or removed to federal court. Among the damages you may seek are for your loss of life during imprisonment (i.e. emotional distress), lost wages, any physical injuries and medical billing associated with the injuries, and attorney's fees. The Civil Rights Act is commonly referred to as 42 USC 1983. Otherwise known as Section 1983 lawsuits. The downturn of filing these types of lawsuits in federal court versus state venues is that there is a higher liklihood of dismissal through motions. Federal courts have a reputation of dismissing these claims that would otherwise not be dismissed in State courts. Finite trial settings that must occur on the date as set are another factor that must be contemplated. The trial setting being "set in stone" is not a bad thing. Sometimes state claims drag on needlessly.
There are a variety of examples where successful litigants are awarded large sums of money when they are wrongfully imprisoned. Settlements are always an option. A person can run an internet search and fine hundreds of article published on awards for wrongful imprisonment.
If you have been wrongfully convicted and released contact a qualifed and experienced civil rights attorney. There are statutes of limitations that apply to every case. Waiting too long to take action may result in you being barred from filing a lawsuit.