At Polinske & Associates, we act quickly when you need us. Learn more about our law firm and how we can help you. We specialize in Criminal Defense. Further, we represent many of the people charged in Madison County for Cannabis Trafficking, Money Laundering, and Civil Asset Forfeiture cases. Our level of success far exceeds most other firms practicing in Madison County. Although I concentrate in defending people charged with serious drug offenses, I have won all types of cases including Murder trials, DUI (both felony and misdemeanors), Aggravated Battery, Domestic Battery, Cannabis Methamphetamine and Heroin Trafficking and Manufacturing, etc. I have over 32 years of trial experience at the time this article was published. I have conducted over 135 jury trials in State and Federal court. I have represented over 4,000 clients in felony cases.
We act as local counsel for out of state firms for serious State and Federal cases. Many times we are consulted by out of state attorneys who after discussing matters with us quickly decide it to be in the best interests of the client to allow us to jointly or singularly represent the person. I look forward to discussing a client's case with both the client and/ / or their attorney. I can generally give that person advice regarding how weak or strong their arrest scenario is as far as attack by motion success. Motions to suppress evidence are the best means of attacking a criminal prosecution's case against the client. I have won many cases in this manner. With the newer Rodriguez v. US case decided in 2015 I anticipate an even higher success ratio for my clients.
Our office is technologically modern. We run an Apple platform and most of our files are fully uploaded to our Ipads. This means we take every police report, video, and photograph relevant to each client's case with our attorney into court on our Ipads. This not only reduces the amount of physical file space in court but allows for very easy retrieval of these reports when visiting clients out of the office or in jail (where allowed). We have 24/7 access to every portion of our clients' files anywhere.
Civil rights litigation (police brutality and false arrest) and Title VII (sexual discrimination/harassment) are two civil topics we frequently represent people on. Our background with criminal defense made it an easy transition to the civil rights realm. Many of the issues are intertwined. I regularly receive referrals from local attorneys who have clients facing these issues. We have been very successful with civil rights cases. We don't take every one of these cases that walks in our door. By screening the cases thoroughly we have a reputation of winning. Our clients prosper from this reputation. As of this date we have not lost a civil rights case. In fact, the last case I tried in federal court was the first civil rights case anyone had won at jury trial in two years! That stat is for all attorneys combined in the Federal District Court. Title VII cases are on the increase. I receive multiple inquiries each week regarding these claims from potential clients. Again, we screen these cases carefully and only take a select few.
My success with serious personal injury cases is proven. I have settled multiple cases over $1,000,000. Nursing home neglect, premises liability, car accidents, and medical malpractice cases have all resulted in large settlements or verdicts. Currently I have seven class action cases pending against municipalities that look promising. I have settled two and look forward to trying the remainder. I have won four appeals dismissing the cases at the trial court level. The 5th District Appellate Court reversed the trial judges. After these cases have been pending since 2011 we are finally able to obtain trial settings for 2023. Hopefully we can get these cases to trial so my clients can get their money back. I am available to discuss any new civil injury claim.
I am always straightforward with my clients. Even if the truth is unpleasant I am always honest with them. Read the reviews about me at or any other venue and you will see this is true. If I don't see a good way out of the case I immediately advise my client and discuss whatever options they have at that point.
I would enjoy the opportunity to discuss your case with you. Call me with further inquiries.